Dani Fagan’s Recovery Journey Roadmap

Find help to heal from Chronic Pain

Last year I had severe and excruciating lower back and leg pain. It basically came out of nowhere, but it knocked me over and out of commission for a good long time! It was so bad that there was a stretch of three nights that I didn’t sleep at all.

My wife, in her wisdom, gave me a book by Dr. John Sarno called “Healing Back Pain” which she had read some years before to help her contend with her migraine headaches.

The book revealed to me that my pain was not caused by the bulging discs or stenosis that was found on my MRI report, but rather as a result of a condition called TMS, Tension Myositis Syndrome.

TMS in a nutshell is the body’s way of running interference for the mind and the nervous system so that instead of having to actually feel your feelings, you can focus on the physical pain, which is the body’s brilliant way of diverting the mind’s attention from the emotional pain which it knows to be even worse…GENIOUS!!!

Thank G-d for my wife and that she gave me the book because it lead me along a path towards healing, which I ultimately achieved.

Along the way I was helped by a myriad of people and resources. My main healer in this process was Nicole Sachs, LCSW, a woman whom I have yet to meet (although we did have a brief exchange in the Facebook group she created called “JournalSpeak with Nicole Sachs LCSW Group“)

Without going into too much information about Nicole (there is much and she deserves much to be said about her), she is a brilliant and compassionate healer and one of the main disciples of Dr. John Sarno. Her weekly podcast “The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW” literally brought me back from the brink when I was in the midst of my most painful days. I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to her and feel so very close to her without ever having actually made her acquaintance.

I mention Nicole because it was on one of her latest podcasts that I became reacquainted with Dani Fagan, who was a featured guest on the podcast for the second time. Dani’s story is inspiring and she was also helped to heal from her chronic pain by Nicole Sachs.

Out of her desire to give back to the TMS community who, along with Nicole she credits in helping her so much to heal, Dani created a website that offers a tremendous amount of information and a plethora of resources aimed at assisting others to get the help they need to heal themselves from TMS.

With appreciation to Nicole and Dani and in an effort to do my small part in helping those who are suffering with chronic pain and other TMS symptoms and syndromes I offer you this link to Dani’s website called “MyTMSJourney.com

Here is a link to the site: mytmsjourney.com