Relationship Help is Available in Queens NY

Relationship Help is Available in Queens NY

A COMMON PATTERN   Jimmy and Jane sit on my couch looking for relationship help. She sits leaning away from him. A gap resides between them both physically and emotionally. She complains that Jimmy just doesn’t seem to care. He’s not there for her in the way that...
Withdrawal-The Fifth Losing Strategy

Withdrawal-The Fifth Losing Strategy

Welcome to the culmination of our journey through the 5 Losing Strategies of Relational Life Therapy (RLT). Today, we confront the fifth and final losing strategy: ‘Withdrawal.’ Withdrawal is the silent killer that plagues relationships and often leads to...
Retaliation in Relationships: The Fourth Losing Strategy

Retaliation in Relationships: The Fourth Losing Strategy

Relationships, particularly our romantic relationships, can be a source of immense joy, connection, and comfort.  Yet every couple faces challenges in the way they communicate, and certain reactions to those challenges—like retaliation—can create unnecessary...