by lorenecker | May 16, 2023 | Blog
As a psychotherapist based in Queens, New York, I have encountered numerous individuals seeking support and guidance in overcoming porn addiction. In this blog post, I would like to share some of my thoughts and insights on this prevalent issue. Please note that the...
by lorenecker | May 2, 2023 | Blog, Couples, Relationships
So you got caught cheating. Perhaps, you had an affair and it was discovered. Maybe your spouse found incriminating evidence of your bad behavior. Or you find yourself in a situation where you now need to repair and rebuild your relationship. If this is the case, then...
by lorenecker | Mar 9, 2023 | Blog
You don’t have to feel ashamed and hopeless about pornography and masturbation. Porn therapy in Queens can help you find the strength to quit. Being human, you have sexual longings and desires. Sexual feelings are part of human physiology, and everyone has them. When...
by lorenecker | Mar 6, 2023 | Blog
Effective Strategies for Help Quitting Porn in New York What is the first trait that you need to overcome pornography and masturbation? The first thing that you need, that which comes before all else, is Willingness. Now, let’s say that you don’t have the...
by lorenecker | Feb 28, 2023 | Blog, Couples, Marriage, Relationships
“We’re Just Not Compatible!” – The Words Every Relationship Therapist Hears As a Marriage Counselor in Queens, New York, I’ve heard couples tell me this so often. What I say back is, “Nobody is!” I truly believe there is no such thing as...