Welcome back to our exploration of Relational Life Therapy‘s (RLT) Five Losing Strategies of Getting What You Want. Today, we’re delving into the second losing strategy for getting what you want in our series –  ‘Control.’  The need for control can impact the rhythm of your relationship.

The Illusion of Safety:

The allure of control offers an illusion of security, but in reality, it can stifle connection and hinder growth. The need to control our partner often stems from a fear of the unknown. The losing strategy of Control can leave both partners feeling manipulated. Letting go of control can foster genuine intimacy.

Navigating the Maze:

Feeling lost in the maze of control? Working with a trusted therapist can help you with practical strategies that minimize the need for control in your relationship including fostering greater self awareness, building better trust, communication, and shared decision-making with your partner.

Embracing the Unpredictable:

Life is inherently unpredictable, and attempting to control it is like trying to catch the wind. Not only is it an effort in futility, but it drives you and your partner futher and further apart. Embracing uncertainty and letting go of control can lead to a more dynamic, resilient relationship.

Real Life Tale:

Emily and James are couple deeply in love, bound by dreams of building a life together. In the early days, their connection was a tapestry woven with laughter and shared ambitions. However, as time passed, an uninvited guest began to cast its shadow – the insidious losing strategy of control.

Emily, with a heart full of good intentions, found herself increasingly drawn to orchestrating every aspect of their shared life. From the color of the living room walls to the weekend plans, she sought to control the minutiae under the guise of creating the perfect life.

Initially, James, appreciating Emily’s passion for details, went along. However, as the grip of control tightened, their once harmonious relationship began to strain. Every decision, every choice, was subject to Emily’s approval. The sense of autonomy James once enjoyed morphed into a feeling of suffocation.

The turning point came when Emily started dictating the pace and direction of James’ career. Her intentions were rooted in a desire for financial stability and success, but the control she wielded drove a wedge between them. James, a creative soul yearning for freedom in his professional pursuits, felt increasingly stifled.

Conversations turned into arguments, leading to tense silences. Emily’s attempts to control were fueled by fear – fear of the unknown, fear of failure. James, on the other hand, felt a growing resentment, yearning to reclaim the autonomy that had initially drawn him to Emily.

Their love persisted, but the relationship bore the scars of control. They reached a crossroads – continue down a path of increasing tension or seek a new way forward. It was then that they decided to seek the guidance of a relationship counselor.

In therapy, Emily and James confronted the impact of control on their relationship. Emily learned to recognize the roots of her need for control, discovering that it stemmed from a fear of vulnerability. James, in turn, communicated his need for freedom and autonomy.

Through the counselor’s guidance, they developed strategies to find a balance between autonomy and shared decision-making. The journey was not without its challenges, but gradually, Emily’s need for control loosened. Emily and James rediscovered the joy in spontaneity and the beauty of compromise.

Their tale is a testament to the transformative power of recognizing and addressing the losing strategy of control. With newfound understanding and a commitment to change, Emily and James forged a stronger, more resilient connection, free from the shackles of control.

Transform Your Relationships:

If the dance of control is dominating your relationship, know that change is possible. Queens Relationship Counseling LCSW, PLLC is here to guide you through personalized couples counseling and marriage counseling in Queens, NY. Break free from the grip of control and dance into a more liberated connection.

Stay Tuned:

In our next blog post, we’ll explore the third losing strategy: ‘Unbridled Expression.’ Curious about how unfiltered emotions can impact your relationship? Stay tuned for insights and strategies to navigate this dance.

Ready to liberate your relationship from the grip of control? Contact Queens Relationship Counseling LCSW, PLLC for personalized couples counseling and marriage counseling in Queens, NY. Let’s transform your relationship into a dance of trust and shared connection. Go to Relationship-Repair.com to learn more about Queens Relationship Counseling LCSW, PLLC to learn more about our services.